Routine Eye Exams

Routine Eye Exams

Routine Eye Exams

Keeping your eyes healthy is our priority, which is why annual eye exams are so important.  Regardless of age, patients should have an eye exam to determine your need for glasses or contacts, as well as to be the first line of defense for common eye diseases.  Often times eye doctors are the first to detect conditions such as hypertension and diabetes

Eye exams for children and senior citizens are particularly important.  For children, vision is directly linked to learning and therefore should be evaluated regularly to detect any problems.  Older adults should also adhere to regular exams for cataracts, glaucoma and other degenerative diseases that can lead to vision loss if left undetected.
If you or a family member hasn't had an eye exam recently, call our office today at (570) 748-8900 or
Request an Appointment Click Now to Call
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